Friday, February 27, 2009

ummm never mind

Feb 27, 2009

1. July
2. Tennis

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I bet you didn't know that math was used in music but you know what, it is. When dealing with sound people are constantly using frequency. The unit for frequency is called Hertz. (abbr. hz) Is the reciprocal of one second. It makes sense because when you think about it the period of a cyclical process is equal to one over the frequency. (p=1/f) Frequencies are discussed in thousand of Hertz, the unit of kiloHertz (1000hz=1khz) is very useful.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

feb 24, 2009

Over the years the entertainment industry has changed because of the technology that china has provided us. Well, i think. China is one of the most technological places in the world and it makes most of the United States' entertainment. It has changed with all the new gadgets and products and stuff. We have gone from the old fashioned Nintendo to the Wii. I miss the old Nintendo   I would rather play that then Wii anytime.  

Monday, February 23, 2009

feb 23, 2009

Well, to me not really but I guess to people that actually care, I guess so. I really would not mind learning about it but I actually don't really care because I don't see how this is so important. I would probably like to know when the first computer was made and when the Internet was made. I think the first computer was made in the eighties or something because I remember the part in Sixteen Candles where the girl played by Molly Ringwald received a message from this guy and the computer was like super old! I would probably want to know who invented it too. But, honestly I really do not care.